Vicky Worrall
Vicky has worked as part of the Respiratory Team at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust since 2001, with a secondment in 2015 to lead a Scoping Exercise, in collaboration with Liverpool CCG, looking at Asthma Service Transformation across the city. This involved collaboration with Primary Care, Education, Children’s Services and many others and led to the development of a potential Model of Asthma Care through more integrated working. Previously Vicky coordinated The Halton Asthma Project, working with local GPs and schools, in the Borough of Halton, to improve asthma management in school age children.
Currently, she is an independent practitioner, providing assessment, treatment and education to maintain high standards of management of paediatric respiratory patients, in both Nurse Led and Consultant clinics, and providing ongoing support to empower the child and family to effectively manage their respiratory condition at home.
With a strong interest in Difficult Asthma, Vicky has been instrumental in developing the Difficult Asthma Pathway and the Multidisciplinary Difficult Asthma Service (MDAS) for review of difficult to control/severe asthma patients. She leads on transition of adolescent asthma patients to adult services and has developed a process of transition and strong links with the local adult asthma team.
Vicky is also the respiratory nurse for PCD at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and works as part of a multidisciplinary team, providing specialist care for local and regional PCD patients alongside The North of England Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Service.
She is Chair of the North West Paediatric Respiratory Asthma & Allergy Nurses Group (PRANG) and has been a member of this group since its development in 2002. She has been a member of NPRANG since its concept and a proud member of the Committee since 2014. She feels privileged working alongside such an inspirational group of Respiratory Nurses and having the opportunity to influence paediatric respiratory care.