
Ann McMurray
Website Manager
Asthma Nurse Specialist, RHCYP Edinburgh

Ann is an Asthma Nurse Specialist at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People in Edinburgh. Ann qualified originally as a general nurse in 1993 and then as a children's nurse in 1995. She has worked as an asthma nurse specialist since 2002. More recently Ann completed her PhD through the University of Edinburgh/AUKCAR working on a study entitled Parent and Patient perspective of fatal and near fatal asthma - a qualitative study.

Ann has a particular interest in difficult asthma and initiates patients on treatment and co ordinates home care. She also enjoys working with adolescents.

Ann is a member of the respiratory MCN in Lothian. She has also been in involved in a piece on work on transition for the Scottish Government. She regularly contributes to training events locally and nationally. She is actively involved with the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUKCAR) as a collaborator and is interested in Patient Public Involvement (PPI) especially working with the young people's group, @speakasthma. She is currently working on a study exploring the incidence of Near Fatal Asthma attacks.

Ann has written for publication and is also a peer reviewer for medical and nursing journals. Ann has been an active member of the NPRANG community for many years and became Chair in November 2018. In 2022, she stepped into the Vice Chair role.